Thursday, 21 June 2018

BenQ Review SW271 4K Monitor

Seeing the Light - The BenQ 271 4K Monitor

I would love to say, I spend 80% of my time on location,shooting, amazing couture or working on a new concept project and 20% in front of my Monitor(s). Alas as most of us know it is probably the other way round! There is a lot of processing work, editing or sharing images with retouchers, publishers, print houses etc..
I can officially say, I Have seen the light..... ! read on for my review on The BenQ 271 4K Monitor.........

Friday, 24 February 2017


Short Bio:   William's Photographic journey has taken him quite far in a remarkably short time. Now an International Award Winning Photographer, Phase One Ambassador, Phottix Pro Team & PPAC Ambassador, his work regularly appears in glitzy titles such as Promo Magazine NYC and industry stalwarts like Professional Photographer. His work is featured on Fashion TV, TV news and several hardbacks. 
William divides his pro time between his Bangkok-based studio and several projects in the UK, and in 2017 is scheduled to work in a number of countries including China, the Maldives, the Philippines and Iceland.

500px Photo ID: 178718949
His creative photography is influenced by his deep rooted love of South East Asia, with an Avant Garde twist from his European background. After studying for just over two years with some of the best in the business, and receiving rave reviews in the process, he was made Associate of the Royal Photographic Society, Associate of the Master Photography Association and Associate of The British Institute of Professional Photographers. Always striving for new heights of achievement, he is a passionate advocate of universal education, and an activist for gender and ethnicity equality. 

“We can all take a picture, it’s the ability to interpret and captivate an image and in a particular manner that arouses the emotions of its audience, that is what defines us as photographers!” WBB 

'This is the beginning of another journey in my life”, he stresses. And he looks forward to sharing it with you
All the best

La Dame Des Fleurs 2016 - We are Entering A New Era of Change Let it Roll

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

WBBPhotography's blog: Good MorningThis is the first blog introducing WB...

WBBPhotography's blog: Good Morning
This is the first blog introducing WB...
: Good Morning This is the first blog introducing WBB Photography! This is just a little test to see what it looks like. This is our first ...

WBBPhotography's blog: I AM...........

WBBPhotography's blog: I AM...........: _ WILLIAM BARRINGTON-BINNS I am a Photographer with a passion for travel and life. I try to capture moments that will make ...

WBBPhotography's blog: I AM...........

WBBPhotography's blog: I AM...........: _ WILLIAM BARRINGTON-BINNS I am a Photographer with a passion for travel and life. I try to capture moments that will make ...

Monday, 10 October 2016

I am.........

what to do now?

 So we are here........
It seems I have come a long way, but it also feels that I am lost also, it is sometimes a great joy that fills me, but more over than not it is the sense of frustration. I want to do so much more but I am held back, not by imagination, but the sheer lack of money to fund the dreams i want to capture, I have been so very quiet for so many years, there is a decade of work that I want to do now, I am impatient.
It is something that I find extremely difficult to deal with.
I understand that, life is not about what we want.
We are working on getting support and funding from benefactors and believe we have something that we positively be mind blowing.
I am a businessman first and there lies another Frustration 
To be bound to something that you know you can do, or to just take that massive risk and jump into the unknown 
To once again prove to yourself that you can do it! Questions like am I too old? The list is long.
There is one thing I can do though..........

In 2017 we will be revealing "Rebirth"
I will have the pleasure to be Collaborating with Eric Cabales, Glen Allison and the rest of the team will be announced over the forthcoming months

Monday - The day after Sunday

Wishing you all a great Monday Morning

We will be updating you through the weeks, with photoshoots concepts and desigers we use and work with.
This is my one of my favourite Muses Nirmal Fernandes

BenQ Review SW271 4K Monitor

Seeing the Light - The BenQ 271 4K Monitor I would love to say, I spend 80% of my time on location,shooting, amazing couture or workin...